Beyond the common use of protective coatings to refit paint jobs in general, we want to introduce you a new concept of coatings on new-build paint jobs : we want to protect your paint directly from the start! Because we believe that prevention is better than cure. Don’t you?
Think of the big picture of the painting process which has been applied the same way for years, sometimes giving problems, always very expensive, highly pollutant to our environment and let’s not forget the need to be re-applied every 4 years! How many of you gotten into troubles due to declining effects of versatile and costly paints?
We all know that the standard one-year warranty after a new paint job is an open door to paint that is already, from day one, declining. Together we need to improve the post painting process and stop the decline of your paint from the start, and for the long term. Don’t you think NOW its time for change? Will you help us and will you help yourself? To make the paints last longer?
iShine Ceramic Technologies
Our final protective coating will only give you big advantages, in the short and long term. With iShine, you will extend the time between repainting jobs, help the environment and save your owner money.
Just a smart change for a smarter future. We strongly believe that things have to move on. During the last 15 years we have already contributed to a positive change of attitude in the yachting industry, and the the approval of the captains is unanimous.
Dear Super AirCraft Captains from all over the world, professional yacht crew, whether you are a captain, mate or other, we need your opinion, we need your experiences, your backing, your testimonies. With your help, we are able to change the current situation into a win win solution for all parties, yards, paint specialists, suppliers, captain and owners.
Please contact us and send your reference letters describing what you have seen in your career and the positive effect a good treatment system can have on your paint, feel free to send your testimonials to
iShine, a passion for perfection in the long term.
Pilots say – “…But one thing I know for sure, ceramics help exactly on the dynamic characteristics of the helicopter, gliding the blades in the air flow, reducing the vibration of the blades and the air resistance of the side itself, thereby reducing fuel consumption! What is very important for aircraft!”